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To learn more about the departments and people who make up the Palmdale Water District, browse through the departments listed below. If you have a specific questions you would like answered, please contact us. We are here to serve the people of the Palmdale Water District in whatever way we can.


Administration Department


The Administration Department manages the District through the Board of Directors, which sets policy, and the General Manager, who reports to the Board and manages the daily operation of the District. The attorneys and financial advisor positions, which answer to the Board and interact with staff through the General Manager, are also an integral part of the Administration Department.


Customer Care Department


The Customer Care Department manages the day-to-day affairs for the water customers of the Palmdale Water District. This includes new service applications, help in resolving customer account problems and complaints, payment processing, assistance with variance programs, and rate assistance programs.


Engineering Department


The Engineering Department’s primary responsibilities are planning, project development and management, and quality control. Associated duties include CEQA compliance, permit maintenance, plan checking, construction inspection, updating facility maps, maintaining standard construction specifications, and reporting water production to maintain water rights.


Facilities Department


Facilities maintains and repairs all pipelines, vehicles and equipment, buildings and grounds and wells and booster sites. We take care of the infrastructure that carries our precious water.


Finance Department


The Finance Department’s primary responsibility is overseeing the finance related aspects of the Palmdale Water District. This includes accounts payable, payroll, bank reconciliation, financial reporting (both state and local), auditing, internal controls, and fixed asset allocation.


Human Resources Department


Palmdale Water District’s Human Resources Department is responsible for the planning, organizing, directing, and reviewing of activities and operations for the human resource function. Included in this area are: recruitment, selection, classification, compliance with state and federal laws and regulations, compensation, benefits, record keeping, administration, employee relations, risk management, and safety.


Information Technology Department


The Palmdale Water District Information Technology (IT) department provides IT support for the District’s computer network, including the operation, maintenance, upgrade, and repair of network hardware and District employee workstations. The primary responsibility of the IT Department is providing a safe and secure networking environment. Additional responsibilities include the day-to-day operation of the network datacenter and servers, the District phone system, office machines, and software applications.


Operations Department


The Operations Department is responsible for both the quantity and quality of drinking water. The staff monitors and operates 23 groundwater wells, 15 booster pump stations, 17 reservoir sites with a total of 50 million gallons capacity of water storage and the state of the art 35 million gallon a day capacity Leslie O. Carter Water Treatment Plant.


Public Affairs Department / PIO


The Public Affairs Department is responsible for the Palmdale Water District’s Public Relations, Marketing and Government/Community Relations efforts. The team works to ensure that pertinent District information is accurately disseminated to the media and the public in a timely manner; community water concerns are addressed appropriately; and the communication strategy is consistent and reflects the District’s strategic vision. The department also is tasked with producing and publishing the quarterly customer newsletter, and other marketing brochures and flyers. Other responsibilities include overseeing the District’s social media, marketing campaigns and website content. Read more.
