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Reports and Studies

At various times of the year,the District issues reports and studies related to financial well being of the District, water quality related issues, and future development needs assessments. The reports contained in this section are electronic representations of the hard copy reports made available to the public at the District’s main office. (Note: Hard copy versions of the reports may require an associated fee to cover reproduction costs.)

Financial Reports

The annual financial budget and independent auditor’s report of the District’s operations for a given calendar year.


Engineering Reports

Water System Master Plan and Environmental Impact report’s related to various District construction and development projects.


Water Quality Reports

The annual Consumer Confidence Report and other required reports set forth by State and Federal government agencies.


Self-Certified Conservation Standard

District Staff have analyzed the data covering available supplies in the event that water years 2013 -2015 were to repeat themselves during 2017-2019. Through this analysis it was determined that a conservation standard of 15% reduction, compared to water usage in 2013, would provide assurance of uninterrupted and cost effective water supply to the District’s customers should drought conditions worsen.
