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Pipeline Content
There are 414 miles of pipeline in our system. Recent pipeline projects include 14,500 feet of pipe from 3rd St. E. to Divison and Avenue Q to Q-7, another 10,000 feet of pipe at Puerta to 20th St. E. from Avenue Q to Q-7.

5700 feet of pipe replaced from 16th St. E. to 18th St. E. from Avenue Q-5 to Avenue Q. and 1100 feet of pipe replaced on Avenue P-14 from 4th St. E. to Clocktower Plaza. And most recent replacement is 4600 feet of pipe on 15th St. E. from Avenue P to Avenue Q. the above sections of pipe is replacing 50 to 60 year old steel pipe that has numerous leaks.

Well & Booster Content
The Palmdale Water District uses a mix of surface and ground water to satisfy the needs of our customers. Ground water is pumped from wells situated throughout the District. The wells and pumps vary in size from 70 to 1500 gallons per minute and depths of 80 to 800 feet. Most of the wells pump water directly into the distribution system where it is delivered to our customers.

The majority of our wells in the District are located on the valley floor and pump water to the lowest elevation in our system. Booster pumps ranging in size from 140 to 7000 gallons per minute move this water up to higher elevation zones and storage reservoirs to meet demand in these areas.

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