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Operations Department

The Operations Department is responsible for both the quantity and quality of drinking water. The staff monitors and operates 23 groundwater wells, 15 booster pump stations, 17 reservoir sites with a total of 50 million gallons capacity of water storage, and the state of the art 35 million gallons a day capacity Leslie O. Carter Water Treatment Plant.

The department works diligently to provide reliable high-quality drinking water to the customers of the Palmdale Water District, with a focus on efficient and cost-effective operations.

The Treatment Plant staff works 24/7 monitoring, maintaining, and adjusting plant processes and remotely operating the distribution systems.

The Systems staff maintains and adjusts critical plant and distribution equipment. They also develop and maintain operational control systems for all remote facilities.

The Water Quality staff analyzes raw and treated water to ensure quality, regulatory compliance, and efficient performance of the treatment processes.

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