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High Usage Tier Adjustment Fact Sheet

Palmdale Water District is adjusting the water rates for customers whose water use is above their monthly allotment by equalizing the high usage tiers between customer classes. This corrects a technical flaw in the water rate structure.

Ajuste De Tarifa Por Consumo Alto

El Distrito Palmdale Water esta ajustando las tarifas de agua para los clientes cuyos uso do agua esta por encima de su asignacion mensual mediante un ajuste de los niveles de uso entre las diferentes clases de clientes.

August Workshops Cancelled

The Palmdale Water District has cancelled the “Cash for Grass” landscape workshop series scheduled for Saturday, August 6 and August 13 due to very low attendance at the first workshop.

Palmdale Water District presents “Cash for Grass...

Last night three local Palmdale Water District customers were presented with rebate checks and certificates of appreciation from Palmdale Water District for converting their yards into water wise landscapes through the District’s “Cash for Grass” program.

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