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The Pipeline – December 2014

PWD customers were offered information on the new water rate restructure, how to read your water bill, the new Rate Assistance Program and water conservation tips at the PWD’s first annual Holiday Customer Appreciation Day!

The Pipeline – November 2014

In September 2014, the Palmdale Water District Board of Directors passed a five year rate restructuring plan with a cap of a yearly increase of 5.5%. With some debate, the Board elected an increase of 2.5%.

The Pipeline – October 2014

Once plentiful water supplies for our desert area began easily on with the drilling of underground wells in the 1920s. Littlerock Dam and Reservoir, built in 1924, was the tallest multiple-arch dam in the world and, along with Lake Palmdale, gave the southern Antelope Valley a huge water supply to grow and expand.

Water News June 2014

In 2013, the Palmdale Water District started a campaign called “Before the First Drop.” We wanted our customers to know and ask questions about the District’s operations; the costs of supplying and distributing water, the costs of treating water, of pumping wells and Boosters stations, equipment costs, and hiring well trained and certified employees.

Water News May 2014

The Palmdale Water District is a State Water Contractor meaning we buy water supplied by the State Water Project (the California Aqueduct). The District is entitled to 21,300 acre-feet of water per year from the State Water Project (SWP); however, the amount of water allocated to the District by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) varies from year to year based on rainfall or drought conditions.

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