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About The Board

Five-member Board

The Palmdale Water District is governed by a five-member Board of Directors. With our water service boundaries divided into five different areas, or divisions, Directors are elected in even years, i.e. 2018 or 2020, to serve a four-year term from their divisions. Directors must live in the division they are elected to serve. Directors are elected by PWD customers within their division. Terms for the elective divisions are staggered, such that three, Divisions 1, 3, and 4, are elected and the remaining two, Divisions 2 and 5, are elected two years later. Information about upcoming elections can be found on the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk website including the Election Calendar of Events and Scheduled Elections.

Look up your Elective Division.

View the Board’s committee appointees.

Board Meetings

The Board of Directors has meetings each month. They are held on the second and fourth Monday of each month at 6 p.m.

These meetings are held at PWD’s main office located at 2029 East Avenue Q, Palmdale, CA 93550.

All meetings of the Board of Directors use Robert’s Rules of Order as a guideline and shall be governed by the Ralph M. Brown Act pursuant to the California Government Code section 54950 et seq. The public is welcome to attend, and there is a period reserved on the agenda for public comment.

Agencies and Advisory Boards

Palmdale Recycled Water Authority

  • Director Kellerman
  • Director Wilson
  • Alternate Director Mac Laren-Gomez

Plant 42 Environmental Restoration Advisory Board

  • Director Wilson
  • Alternate Director Sanchez

Association of California Water Agencies & Joint Powers Insurance Authority

  • Director Dino
  • Alternate Director Sanchez

Antelope Valley State Water Contractors Association (AVSWCA)

  • Director Mac Laren-Gomez
  • Director Wilson
  • Alternate Director Kellerman

North L.A. County Special Districts Association (SDANLAC)

  • Director Dino


Board of Directors

The Board of Directors can be contacted directly by sending emails to their individual accounts. Click on the email link below each Director’s name. You may also contact them by clicking here.
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W. Scott Kellerman

Vice President

Division 1 Boundary Map Scott Kellerman has been a resident of the Antelope Valley since 1978. He started working at Palmdale Harley-Davidson while a student at Quartz Hill High School and remained employed until it closed. In 1985, he helped open the new Harley-Davidson dealership in Lancaster and became part owner within five years. He has been on the Antelope Valley Sheriff’s Boosters for more than 15 years and is the current President of the California Harley-Davidson Dealers Association. He was appointed by the Board in April 2022 to fill a vacant seat. His current term ends in December 2024.
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Don Wilson


Division 2 Boundary Map A New York transplant who grew up in Simi Valley, Don Wilson has been living in Palmdale since 1987. He retired as a retail sales rep in 2016 after 28 years with Foster Farms. Prior to Foster Farms, he worked in restaurant and hotel management. He served on the Palmdale School District Personnel Committee Board for two years. He was elected to the PWD Board in November 2018. His current term will expire in 2026.
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Cynthia Sanchez

Assistant Secretary

Division 3 Boundary Map Cynthia Sanchez has called Palmdale her home since moving to the Antelope Valley from North Hollywood in 2005. She has been in the healthcare industry for most of her career. For the past 12 years, she has been a nurse at Kaiser Permanente. She was appointed by the Board in February 2024 to fill a vacant seat. Her current term ends in December 2024.
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Kathy Mac Laren-Gomez


Division 4 Boundary Map Kathy Mac Laren-Gomez moved to Palmdale from North Hollywood in 1989 with a young family and balanced work with her children’s activities. She was appointed to the Palmdale Planning Commission in 2007, serving over two terms. She also works in business development for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers/National Electrical Contractors Association LMCC. In 2011, she was elected to the Board. Her third term will end in December 2024.
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Vincent Dino


Division 5 Boundary Map Vincent Dino, a San Fernando transplant, has lived in Palmdale since 1993. Dino is a retired Journeyman Electrician of 35 years and has served on the Palmdale Planning Commission for eight years, including two terms as chairman. He serves as Sergeant at Arms of the Grandsons of Italy in America Club, which honored him as “Man of the Year” in 2011. First elected to the Board in 2013, he won re-election in 2018. His third term runs through 2026.
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In Memory Of Les Carter (1931 – 2004)

Board Director 1971-2004 Leslie O. Carter was re-elected in 2003 to a four-year term as Director for the Palmdale Water District. He was serving as the acting Board President and had served the District as a Director for thirty-three years at the time of his passing. Mr. Carter brought to the board his years of experience to the District’s Personnel, Equipment, and Littlerock Dam Committees. He was a retired ITT Senior Field Services Engineer. In November 2010, the Water Treatment Plant was renamed and dedicated in honor of former longtime Director Leslie O. Carter.