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Auditor’s Report of Antelope Valley Water Rates Highlights Fiscal Responsibility

admin August 6,2014

Last week, the California State Auditor’s office released the results of their audit of Antelope Valley Water Rates and the factors contributing to the difference in rates among Valley water agencies. In the report, which compared four different area agencies, Palmdale Water District was shown to have the lowest overall increase in the past, by far, of the four districts between 2011 and 2013.

The report stated that: “Although the Board approved the recommended increases, Palmdale never fully implemented them. In fact, between 2011 and 2013, the monthly service charge increased less than recommended, the water quality fee never increased, and the elevation surcharge either decreased or remained flat. According to Palmdale’s Finance Manager, Michael Williams, “The Board was concerned about the impact on water customers, and so it directed Palmdale to make an effort to control costs.”

Between 2011 and 2013, the report states that Palmdale Water District’s monthly water rate only increased by 7%, compared to L.A. County Waterworks, which serves a comparable population, at 17.6%.

“The Palmdale Water District and the Board of Directors are sensitive to the needs of ratepayers, and work to minimize costs that come with continuing to rebuild an aging water system and ensure safe drinking water,” said General Manager Dennis LaMoreaux.



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