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Palmdale Water District has a number of policies pertaining to use of water in the Antelope Valley. Here we present two of the most important for your review. View more information on resolutions passed by the board.

Waste of Water Policy

Adopted October 11, 2017.

California law prohibits the waste or unreasonable use of water and requires that the District take all appropriate actions to prevent such waste and unreasonable use of the finite resource. Despite its conservation efforts, including its campaign to encourage conservation by consumers, the District has been made aware of certain activities including 1) over-irrigation, 2) misuse of water in cleaning of paved surfaces, and 3) waste resulting from inefficient and leaking plumbing fixtures, all of which result in runoff or waste of water. View our complete Waste of Water policy.

Report Water Waste

If you have noticed water being wasted in our community, please let us know. Call the District’s Water Waste Hotline at 661-456-1099 to report the water waste.


Service Regulations


Disconnection Policy for Non-Payment.


Download the Rules and regulations as a pdf (30MB).

This is provided to customers in our Service Area as an informative guide of policies and procedures relating to water service. These Rules & Regulations are subject to periodic revisions.

The overall objective of the District is to make available the highest quality water at the lowest possible cost. Palmdale Water District provides customers with high quality:

  • water treatment, storage, and delivery
  • meter reading and maintenance
  • system monitoring and maintenance
  • infrastructure expansion and upgrades
  • water quality testing and compliance
  • environmental compliance
  • customer services
  • technical services
  • service information updates
